Vinyl Siding

Low cost and versatile, Honest Group of Companies experts are available to assist you in choosing from a wide variety of vinyl siding color combinations to update your home elegantly at a cost effective price. Pick your basic vinyl siding color and allow our creative sales and design team to help you blend your primary color with a range of accent colors that will truly revive the look of your home. A far cry from the plastic look of yesteryear, today’s vinyl siding replicate the most sought after textures that include wood-look finishing, shingles and much more. Our licensed installers provide professional vinyl installation which is crucial to achieving the smooth finish and maximum protection that this siding option offers.

Fun Facts About Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding is the fastest growing exterior used in new home construction. Painting vinyl siding is a cost effective option to complete replacement. Vinyl siding never requires sanding or staining and is easy to clean. Clean vinyl siding with a hose or a mixture of 70/30 water and vinegar

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